Retail Nursery Sales Aids

Sell More Fruit Trees with DWN Sales Aids!

Promotional Flyers

What’s hot from The First Name in Fruit Trees™…

This item will look good on the counter, on the wall or in the display rack.

Home gardeners: look for this flyer on the counter at your local nursery retailer — it describes exciting recent additions to the Dave Wilson Nursery home garden lineup.

Also featured is an invitation to the Dave Wilson Nursery YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Download a high-resolution version of one or more of these flyers, suitable for printing

Catalog Booklet: Description of Varieties & Rootstock

Describes the key characteristics of all varieties offered, including winter chilling and pollination requirements for the fruiting plants. This 36-page booklet is published each fall.

Two copies sent at no charge; additional copies $1.50 each.

Descriptive Variety Labels

Concise variety descriptions, including winter-chilling and pollination requirements for the fruiting varieties. These durable soft plastic labels will last for several years. All Dave Wilson-grown plants are labeled before shipping. Labels are sent separately for purchased items. No charge.

Descriptive Rootstock Labels

Fruit varieties grown on more than one rootstock are rootstock-labeled prior to shipping. Brief description of the rootstock including such information as degree of dwarfing, soil adaptation, pest/disease resistance and precocity. No charge.

Bin Tags

Custom 11" by 7" laminated full-color bin tags ( Floracards ) with variety description and harvest date. Same photo and text as picture tags. $2.50 each

Picture Tags

Custom 3" x 4" color picture tags with variety description and approximate harvest date on reverse. Durable plastic with elastic string ties. No charge to retailers. (Wholesalers: 7 cents each)

Customized Descriptive Variety Lists

Retailers name, address and phone number followed by descriptions of the plants ordered. Beginning with the 2016-2017 bare root season, printed handouts have been replaced by retailer variety lists on the website, linked from the Where-to-Buy pages (find a retailer, click on “List”. Available each season for orders placed by October 20th.

Handout: Fruit Tasting Report

All the Dave Wilson Nursery fruit tastings. The Fruit Tasting Report includes the top home orchard varieties for each tasting, top-scoring varieties by fruit type, a harvest chart of top-scoring varieties and more.

Published each fall. Two copies sent at no charge—additional copies: 50 cents each.

Download the free version here: Fruit Tasting Report

Wall Chart: Fruit & Nut Harvest Dates

18" x 25" 6-color poster shows approximate harvest periods for more than 275 fruit and nut varieties at Hickman, California. For use in planning and promoting successive ripening in backyard orchards. One poster sent each fall. Additional posters are $1.50 each plus postage & handling. Postage & handling: less than 10 charts: $3.00 — 10 - 24 charts: $4.00 — 25 or more charts:25 cents each.

Handout: What is Backyard Orchard Culture

Methods for backyard fruit growing differ from those of commercial orchard culture: three or four trees in one hole, hedgerows, espaliers, multiple-budded trees. Summer pruning to control tree size. Successive ripening: planting varieties that ripen one after the other for a full season of tree-ripe fruit. Inspiration to plant the new, improved varieties.

5-page document. Two copies sent each fall at no charge; additional copies: 25 cents each.

Selling Backyard Orchard Culture

5-page paper describes ways to increase sales by incorporating the concepts of Backyard Orchard Culture into the retail marketing of fruit trees. Encourages retail nursery sales people to learn the possibilities for backyard fruit growing. Sent on request to customers at no charge.

Download Selling Backyard Orchard Culture.pdf

— 6 feet by 3 feet — Big, gaudy, eye-popping attention-getter. Big Fruit Trees — legible at 100 yards — on a hot-orange background. “Harvest Better Health From Your Backyard!” message. Big Dave Wilson Nursery logo.

Mailed before Bareroot Season: $32.00 — Shipped with trees: $27.00


Examples of Backyard Orchard Culture and pictures of fruit are available on a CD.

Images are TIFF or JPG and are suitable for print or in-house displays.

Email requests to Mike Tomlinson.

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Contact Dave Wilson

We sell our products to retail nurseries, garden centers, container growers who sell to landscape contractors and retail nurseries, mail order nurseries, and anyone else who qualifies. We do not accept direct sales to consumers.