
Maturity Date:July 28 to August 13
Chilling Hours:900-1,000
Sold Out Of State:Available Upon Request
Container Type:Bare Root

With consistently high pack-outs, the Kaweah peach is an excellent yellow-fleshed freestone, harvesting at the end of July and into August. Kaweah has good size (2-7/8" to 3"), high color (80% to 85% red over yellow) and provides a true peach flavor with nicely balanced acid and sugar. The fruit is suitable for freezing and demonstrates good shipping qualities. Chilling requirement 900 to 1000 hours. (U.S. Plant Patent No. 10177)

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Contact Dave Wilson

We sell our products to retail nurseries, garden centers, container growers who sell to landscape contractors and retail nurseries, mail order nurseries, and anyone else who qualifies. We do not accept direct sales to consumers.