Dave Wilson Nursery

Serving Nurseries, Farmers, and Backyard Growers Since 1938

Dave Wilson Nursery is the largest industry-leading fruit, nut, and shade tree nursery in the nation. We’re home of the Independence Almond and proud to be family owned

A Look at Our

Commercial Orchard Division

We proudly grow millions of trees for growers large and small. We believe that hard work, careful attention to detail, and hands-on methods create the best-producing trees possible.

News From the Nursery

Our team enjoys attending events, tradeshows and conferences because we get to learn more about what`s happening in the industry and spend face-to-face time with our growers. Please let us know on which events we’ll be seeing you. we are all looking forward to it!

Dave Wilson Nursery

Latest Videos

Learn about all things fruit, walnut, almond, and more — straight from the pros.
Zaiger Genetics Fruit Tour
Dirt Under Our Nails
DWN- We Set the Stage